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ICS Import Control System - European security declaration - European security declaration

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The European Union has 28 countries where different languages are spoken.
This complicated situation is managed by CONEX for transmissions exchanged with the customs administrations at the first point of entry into EU.
To consult the list of languages per country published by the European Commission Directorate – General  Taxation and Customs Union, please click here.

Time limits for lodging the
ENS pre-entry security declaration:

Shipping goods via...
You must submit the ENS...

maritime containerised cargo

at least 24 hours before loading at the port of departure

maritime bulk/break bulk cargo

at least four hours before arrival

maritime sea voyages of less than 24 hours

at least two hours before arrival

short-haul flights - less than four hours' duration

at the time of actual take-off

long-haul flights

at least four hours before arrival

rail and inland waterways

at least two hours before arrival

road traffic

at least one hour before arrival