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Common term definitions AEO-AIS-EORI-ENS - Entry Summary Declaration - ICS Import Control System - MRN - Movement Reference Number- saas

AEO – Authorised Economic Operator

This status is defined in Regulation (EC) 648/2005). AEOs will benefit from customs controls facilitations concerning security and safety and/or simplifications provided for in the implementing provisions to Regulation (EC) 648/2005. The implementing provisions also specify the criteria required for obtaining the AEO status, recognised in all Member States. The information and communication system supporting the concept of the Authorised Economic Operators will, for example, enable national administrations of Member States to grant AEO status (including online consultations) and provide access to the list of the AEOs for business needs. In the context of ICS, AEOs will benefit from reduced data requirements when lodging ENS declarations.

AIS - Automated Import System

The Automated Import System is to ensure that import operations started in one Member State can be completed in another Member State without re-submission of the same information. This includes the exchange of electronic messages related to the different stages of operations between various actors (customs, traders and other governmental administrations). The first phase of the implementation is the Import Control System.

CC - Community Customs Code
CCIP Community Customs Code Implementing Provisions

DNL Do Not Load

This is the message returned by the EU customs office of first entry in receipt of the ENS in the place of an MRN. It means that analysis has been carried out and that an unacceptable risk exists concerning the goods covered by the ENS declaration.

EORI – Economic Operators' Registration and Identification system

The objective of the Economic Operators' Registration and Identification System is to establish a unique system of registration and identification for economic operators in the EU as set out in Regulation (EC) 312/2009. In the context of ICS, EORI numbers are among the required ENS data in order to obtain the MRN. EORI numbers are also essential for the identification and contactability of economic operators.

EU – European Union

The European Union consitutes an economic and political union of 27 member states located in Europe. Established by the Maastricht Treaty on November 1st 1993, it is based on the foundations of the pre-existing European Economic Community. With almost 500 million citizens, the EU generates an estimated 30% share of the nominal gross world market. The EU operates under a single market with standardised laws applying to all member states. These ensure freedom of movement of people, goods, services and capital. There are common trade, agriculture, fisheries and regional development policies and the Euro currency has been adopted by sixteen member states so far. This is now referred to as the ‘Euro zone’.

ICS Import Control System

The Import Control System is aimed to provide for the handling of pre-arrival declarations (under security and safety amendment Regulation (EC) 648/2005) and the link between this information and risk analysis.

MS – Member States
Country Country Country
Austria (EUR) Germany (EUR) Netherlands (EUR)
Belgium (EUR) Greece (EUR) Poland
Bulgaria Hungary Portugal (EUR)
Cyprus (Greek part) (EUR) Ireland (EUR) Romania
Czech Republic Italy (EUR) Slovakia (EUR)
Denmark Latvia Slovenia (EUR)
Estonia Lithuania Spain (EUR)
Finland (EUR) Luxembourg (EUR) Sweden
France (EUR) Malta (EUR) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland

ENS - Entry Summary Declaration

The purpose is to protect the EU from dangerous goods and to meet increased security requirements in world trade. Electronic messages that must be sent to Customs a certain time before goods enter the EU. The message includes information such as number of items, consignor, consignee, weight etc. Why must this declaration be lodged? In order to allow for risk assessment to be carried out before the arrival of goods and to ensure that no logistical chain delays occur. The ENS must be submitted electronically at the first customs office of entry, but another customs office (office of lodgement) can accepted if an electronic link with the first customs office of entry is available. It is the responsibility of the carrier to ensure that an ENS is made, and within the time limits. Therefore, the ENS may be lodged by a person other than the carrier only with the carrier’s knowledge and consent.

EXS – Exit Summary Declaration

This declaration covers goods leaving the EU customs territory. It is required if no export customs declaration including safety and security elements has been lodged. If an export declaration is lodged, it should include the additional security and safety data elements required for the ENS. It must contain particulars such as number of items, consignor, consignee, weight etc.

MRN – Movement Reference Number

The MRN is a unique 18-digit number that is automatically allocated by the customs office that receives the entry summary declaration. The MRN must be issued immediately upon receipt and successful validation of the declaration.

Person responsible

The operator of the active means of transport on or in which the goods are brought into the customs territory of the Community is responsible for the filing of an ENS. The operator (or “the carrier”) is the person who brings, or who assumes responsibility for the carriage of, the goods into the customs territory of the Community. However, there are some types of transport arrangements where the ENS filing obligation lies with a person other than the operator of the active means of transport.


The likelihood of an event occurring, in connection with the entry, exit, transit, transfer and end-use of goods moved between the customs territory of the Community and third countries and the presence of goods that do not have Community status, which - prevents the correct application of Community or national measures, or - compromises the financial interests of the Community and its Member States, or - poses a threat to the Community's security and safety, to public health, to the environment or to consumers.

Risk management

This is the systematic identification of risk and implementation of all measures necessary for limiting exposure to risk. This includes activities such as collecting data and information, analysing and assessing risk, prescribing and taking action and regular monitoring and review of the process and its outcomes, based on international, Community and national sources and strategies.


Software as a Service (SaaS, pronounced 'sass') is a software deployment model whereby a provider licenses an application to customers for use as a service on demand. Providers commercialising SaaS software may host the application on their own web server or download the application to a consumer device, disabling it after use or after the on-demand contract expires. The on-demand function may be handled internally to share licences within a firm or by a third-party application service provider (ASP) sharing licences between firms.